first persian invasion of greece in Chinese
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- persian
- adj. 波斯的,波斯人的,波斯语的。 n. 1.波斯人;波斯语。 2.波斯绸。 3.〔pl.〕百叶窗(=Persian blinds)。 短语和例子 the Persian Gulf 波斯湾。
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- greece
- n. 希腊〔欧洲〕。
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- invasion
- n. 1.侵入,侵略。 2.侵害,侵犯。 3.【医学】发病,发作。 短语和例子 an invasion of locust 蝗虫的侵袭。 cultural invasion 文化侵略。 an invasion of disease 疾病的侵入。 make an invasion upon 侵入,袭击。 invasion of sb.'s privacy 非法干预某...
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- the invasion
- 无恐不入; 致命拜访
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- himalayan persian
- 喜玛拉雅波斯猫
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- old persian
- 古波斯语。
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What is the meaning of first persian invasion of greece in Chinese and how to say first persian invasion of greece in Chinese? first persian invasion of greece Chinese meaning, first persian invasion of greece的中文,first persian invasion of greece的中文,first persian invasion of greece的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by